To the Sacred Majestie of Queen Anne
Thrice-Royall Princes,
Since to commend Musique were but to reach the Sunne a paire of spectacles;
or to extol my own indeavors, would proove but superfluous gyldings, since I
hope they shal instantly come to the touch of your quicke discovering
iudgement. I will only presume in most devoted zeale, to offer up this last
hope of my labours, to your most princely acceptance, humbly imploring, that
it would please your trice-royall spirit, not to esteeme my Songs
unmusicall, because my Fortune is out of tune; or to grant me little grace,
because my Fortune is out of tune; or to grant me little grace, because my
deserts may be valued nothing: but be once pleased (Right excellent Princes)
as the onely and last refuge of my long expecting hopes, to patronize and
second the modest ends of the Author of these uncommon Musiques, not for any
thing he yet can claime of iust merit, but for what the ample gracings of
the King & my excited affection to do your Majesty service, may happily
I cease to offend your delicate eare with my harsh style, and therefore
kissing the ground that sustaineth your Sacred person. I ever rest
The hublest of your subjects,
Tobias Hume